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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

Wukong leaped into the air.

His three companions and the horse fell into the water with a splash.

Bajie climbed back out, coughing.

Wujing came up next, pulling the horse behind him.

"Where's the Tang Monk?" cried Wukong.

Below the ice the Tang Monk struggled as the [n@demon carried him deep underwater.

The demon laughed.

"You all fell for my trick!

I froze the river and waited for you to cross it.

Once you were above me, I cracked the ice open.

As soon as your friends leave, I will eat you and live forever!"

They arrived at a palace.

A sign over the door read "Residence of the River Turtle."

The demon went inside and locked the monk in a stone box.

Up on the ice, Wukong paced back and forth.

"The ice didn't crack by accident," said the monkey.

"I'm sure it was the demon.

The demon probably caused this strange cold weather too."

He made a fist.

"I can't believe we fell for his trick!

We must save the Tang Monk!"

Wukong stopped pacing and looked at his companions.

"My powers aren't very strong underwater.

You two must go down there and get the demon to come back up.

I'll surprise him."

Wujing and Bajie nodded and dived into the river.

They soon spotted a palace.

Wujing read the sign over the door:

"Residence of the River Turtle.

I wonder if the demon is in here."

Bajie knocked on the door.

"Open up!" he shouted.

The door opened, and the demon stepped out.

He was holding a large hammer.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Did you kidnap our master?" asked Wujing.

"Yes," said the demon. "And I plan to eat him.

Now go away!"

The demon tried to close the door, but Wujing [n@stopped the door with his spear.

The demon moved toward him.

Bajie's rake came crashing down.

[i@Clang!@i] The demon blocked the rake with his hammer.

Fish and other creatures fled as the three spirits fought.

After a few minutes, Bajie pretended to be scared.

He swam upward, and Wujing soon followed.

"Cowards!" called the demon, swimming after them toward the surface.

The demon jumped out of the water and onto the ice.

Wukong was waiting for him.

The monkey swung his iron bar.

The demon ducked.

[i@Crack!@i] The bar hit the ice.

The demon swung his hammer.

[i@Bam!@i] More cracks formed in the ice.

[i@Clang! Boom! Crash!@i]

Weapons clashed as the spirits fought on the breaking ice.

The demon hit Bajie's legs.

"Whoa!" cried the pig.

He slid across the ice and slammed into Wujing.

"Oof!" The purple spirit slipped and fell.

"Ha!" The demon laughed and dived back under the ice.

Bajie and Wujing stood back up.

"The demon escaped," said the pig.

"We must stop him before he eats the Tang Monk," said Wukong.

"Go back down there and try to lead him up here again."

Wujing and Bajie dived into the river.

When they reached the palace, they found a huge [n@pile of rocks blocking the door.

Bajie struck the rocks with his rake.

The rake bounced off the rock pile.

The rocks didn't move at all.

Wujing stabbed at the rocks with his spear.

Again, the rocks didn't move.

"What kind of rocks are these?" cried the pig.

"Maybe they're held in place with magic," said Wujing.

They returned to the surface of the river and told Wukong about the rocks.

The monkey sighed.

"We need Guanyin's help."


pile [paɪl] n. 堆;大量;建筑群 vt. 累积;打桩于 vi. 挤;堆积;积累 n. (Pile)人名;(西)皮莱;(英)派尔 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3003}

crack [kræk] n. 裂缝;声变;噼啪声 adj. 最好的;高明的 vi. 破裂;爆裂 vt. 使破裂;打开;变声 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :3008}

cracks [kræks] n. [高分子] 裂缝,裂纹;龟裂(crack的复数形式);板间间隙 v. 使破裂;砰地一声打开(crack的三单形式) { :3008}

cracked [krækt] v. 破裂;崩溃(crack的过去分词);发沙哑声;失败 adj. 破裂的;声音嘶哑的;精神失常的 { :3008}

pig [pɪg] n. 猪;猪肉 vi. 生小猪;像猪一样过活 n. 警察(俚语,带有攻击性) {zk gk cet4 ky :3014}

companions [kəmˈpænjənz] n. 同伴;同事(companion的复数);伴随物 v. 陪伴;伴随(companion的三单形式) { :3024}

trick [trɪk] n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈 adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有决窍的 vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮 vi. 哄骗;戏弄 n. (Trick)人名;(英)特里克 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3068}

sighed [said] 叹息 { :3085}

boom [bu:m] n. 繁荣;吊杆;隆隆声 vt. 使兴旺;发隆隆声 vi. 急速发展;发隆隆声 n. (Boom)人名;(法、德)博姆 {gk ky toefl ielts gre :3171}

magic [ˈmædʒɪk] n. 巫术;魔法;戏法 adj. 不可思议的;有魔力的;魔术的 n. (Magic)人名;(英)马吉克 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3411}

leaped [li:pt] v. 跳跃 急速移动 剧增 突然移动 { :3425}

slammed [slæmd] v. 猛烈抨击(slam的过去分词);猛撞 adj. 猛烈抨击的;猛砸的 { :3458}

ducked [ ] n. 鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;零分 vi. 闪避;没入水中 vt. 躲避;猛按…入水 n. (Duck)人名;(德、葡、匈)杜克 { :3521}

residence [ˈrezɪdəns] n. 住宅,住处;居住 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3658}

bounced [baunst] n. 空头支票 v. 反弹;弹跳(bounce的过去分词);跳起;开空头支票 { :3792}

clashed [ ] vt. 发出撞击声(clash的过去式与过去分词形式) { :3873}

fist [fɪst] n. 拳,拳头;〈口〉笔迹;掌握;[印]指标参见号 vt. 紧握;握成拳;用拳打 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3881}

purple [ˈpɜ:pl] n. 紫色;紫袍 adj. 紫色的;帝王的;华而不实的 vt. 使成紫色 vi. 变成紫色 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3894}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

monk [mʌŋk] n. 僧侣,修道士;和尚 n. (Monk)人名;(柬)蒙;(德、法、英)蒙克 {cet6 :4817}

hammer [ˈhæmə(r)] n. 铁锤;链球;[解剖] 锤骨;音锤 vi. 锤击;敲打;重复 vt. 锤击;锤打 n. (Hammer)人名;(法)阿梅;(德、英、芬、捷、瑞典、荷、丹、挪)哈默 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :4955}

dived [dəʊv] v. (使)潜水;俯冲;(使)跳水;急剧下降;钻研(dive的过去式和过去分词) { :5121}

demon [ˈdi:mən] n. 恶魔;魔鬼;精力充沛的人;邪恶的事物 n. (Demon)人名;(塞)德蒙 { :5407}

stabbed [stæbd] v. 刺伤(stab的过去式和过去分词);刺穿 { :5408}

coughing [ˈkɒfɪŋ] n. [临床] 咳嗽 v. [临床] 咳嗽;咳出(cough的ing形式) { :5757}

upward [ˈʌpwəd] adj. 向上的;上升的 adv. 向上 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :6144}

turtle [ˈtɜ:tl] n. 龟,甲鱼;海龟 n. (Turtle)人名;(英)特特尔 {cet6 toefl :6490}

splash [splæʃ] n. 飞溅的水;污点;卖弄 vt. 溅,泼;用...使液体飞溅 vi. 溅湿;溅开 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :6624}

kidnap [ˈkɪdnæp] vt. 绑架;诱拐;拐骗 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :6993}

whoa [wəʊ] int. 惊叹声;咳! { :7334}

spear [spɪə(r)] n. 矛,枪 vt. 用矛刺 n. (Spear)人名;(英)斯皮尔 {gk cet4 cet6 ky gre :8310}

rake [reɪk] n. 耙子;斜度;钱耙;放荡的人,浪子 vt. 倾斜;搜索;掠过;用耙子耙 vi. 搜索;用耙子耙;掠过,擦过 n. (Rake)人名;(英)雷克;(塞)拉凯 {cet4 cet6 ky :8861}

underwater [ˌʌndəˈwɔ:tə(r)] n. 水下 adj. 在水中的;水面下的 adv. 在水下 {toefl :9111}

cowards ['kaʊədz] n. 胆小鬼,懦夫( coward的名词复数 ) { :11476}

tang [tæŋ] n. 特性;强烈的味道;柄脚 vt. 使声尖锐;装刀柄于 vi. 发出铿锵声;发出当的一声 n. (Tang)人名;(柬、缅)当 { :15960}

clang [klæŋ] n. 叮当声;铿锵声 n. (Clang)人名;(法)克朗 vt. 使发铿锵声 vi. 发铿锵声 { :18195}

oof [u:f] n. 现钞;力量;羊传染性口疮 { :35731}

bam [bæm] n. 哄骗 n. (Bam)人名;(英、莱、尼)巴姆;(缅)班;(越)禀 vt. 欺骗 vi. 欺骗 { :40168}

ice [aɪs] n. 冰;冰淇淋;矜持;(俚)钻石 adj. 冰的 vt. 冰镇;结冰 vi. 结冰 n. (Ice)人名;(英)艾斯;(法)伊斯 {zk gk ielts :1230}

Wujing [ ] 物境

Bam I. [ ] [地名] 巴姆岛 ( 巴布 )

bounce ... off [ ] v. 弹离 [网络] 弹开;弹回;反射

bounce off [bauns ɔf] 试探(某人对某一新设想和意见),大发议论

crash down [ ] v. 下坠 [网络] 哗啦一声倒下;猛然倒下;朝下猛撞

dive into [ ] na. 探察(某人秘密) [网络] 潜入;跳入;钻研

leap into [ ] v. 跃进 [网络] 跳入;跳进;飞跃

make a fist [meik ei fist] [网络] 握拳;手握拳;握紧拳头

pace back and forth [ ] [网络] 来回地踱步

pretend to [priˈtend tu:] v. 假装;妄想 [网络] 假装做;自称具有;他总是装聋

pretend to be [priˈtend tu: bi:] [网络] 冒充;假装是;假充

river turtle [ ] [网络] 鳖;水鱼

Rock Pile [ ] un. 岩堆 [网络] 石头堆;和岩桩;中央岩柱

slam into [ ] [网络] 猛烈撞击;撞上;重重地撞上

stab at [ ] 用(刀等)刺[戳]

the ice [ ] [网络] 冰;月之城;中心

the Monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;西游记;猕猴猴趣

the purple [ ] 帝位;王位;显位;红衣主教的职位

with a splash [ ] 扑通一声

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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